Tools to Help You Maintain Peace in Your Relationships During the Pandemic

Your Survival Kit Includes:

Are you a student of Truth?

A practitioner of A Course in Miracles or non-duality? 
A spiritual being having a human experience? 

If so, and you are finding that life on Planet Quarantine is trying the ass off of your relationship Zen, and making your Namaste want to run screaming into the night - except that you can’t go anywhere…

I’d like to be of service.

My name is Kelly Russell and I’m the Rock Your Joy Coach. Assisted by my twin alter-egos of licensed psychotherapist and teacher of A Course in Miracles, my superpower is helping people to find happiness no matter what appears to be happening in their lives. 

My FREE downloadable Homestuck Survival Kit: Tools to Help You Maintain Peace in Your Relationships During Shelter in Place can help you do just that.

It contains helpful break-glass-in-case-of-emergency (like now, for instance) tools for mastering your Inner Relationship Jedi and not succumbing to the ego’s Dark Side of Quarantine.

Using these tools will help you to:

  • experience less relationship conflict
  • feel lighter, happier
  • be more centered, grounded, and peaceful
  • trust your guidance
  • stop sabotaging yourself
  • let go of fear

If you are NOT experiencing relationship difficulty right now with anything related to sheltering in place – feeling trapped, overwhelmed, pissed off; having anxiety, being in financial fear, struggling with uncertainty about the future and the loss of a sense of control that it brings up…

...If you are NOT finding yourself feeling upset and frustrated with family members and your life at the moment...

...If none of the above describes your ride right now - AWESOME! Good for you, you’re killing this thing, keep rocking it like a boss, shine your light, be the ball, and see you on the other side.

If, however, you ARE vibing with any or all of the above, you are not alone.

For you, The Homestuck Survival Kit: Tools to Help You Maintain Peace in Your Relationships During Shelter in Place can be a life-preserver - for your own life or that of your family members who may be testing the limits of your sanity. 

Kit Includes:

A 5-step Guide for Getting Everyone in Your Life to Do What You Want

downloadable MP3 Meditation for Sanity, and

A Go Badass on Your Relationships Podcast that includes the ONE TOOL that you can use to completely transform your relationships.

BONUS OFFER: Schedule a Free Coaching Discovery Call Session!

If you would like to experience a free live-call coaching session with me, click here.

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