Yo Yo Ho Ho, Stars of Wonder, Stars of Light!

If you’ve thought about coaching with me, but the time wasn’t right, or the price wasn’t swingable...

Or you couldn’t justify investing in your awesomeness…

Or you’ve been coached by me before and your joy has been hoping to be rocked again...


Rock your JOY of GIVING

Gift YOURSELF - with Coaching to bring dreams to reality  in the New Year…

Gift ANOTHER - If someone on your nice list might  love to work with me,   consider  a 3 or 10-session intro…

Help another gift YOU - if your peeps don’t know what to give you cuz you’re that guy or gal who has (almost) everything - except a round of coaching...

Put a Rock Your Joy gift certificate on your Christmas list or

in your loved one’s stocking!

I’m offering all of my coaching programs at holiday discounted rates through December 22nd.

I’ve also included new introductory short-term spiritual counseling packages for those who might like to experience working with me for a few sessions before deciding whether to fully invest in coaching.

You Are a F*ing Joy-Rockstar

You Are a F*ing Joy-Rockstar
1-Year ($15,000 Value)
$13,000 Paid in full
12 payments of $1212

Includes 30 sessions
and a 6-hour Deep-Dive.


If you are truly committed to major miraculous transformation,

this 1-year program is your ticket to breaking up with playing small.

You’re up for busting through the self-limiting beliefs that have

kept you joy-blocking yourself and out of your zone of genius.

You are DONE with hiding your authenticity.

You’re ready and willing to have happiness in all areas.

There is nothing you want more than to live your most awesome life – 

to align with the Truth of who you are and express what

you are here to be and do.

You have the burning desire, the balls, and the ability to

invest in your Self and step into your power.

You’re ready to rock your joy like a boss!

You Are a Joy-Rocking Badass

6-Month Program ($8000 Value)
$6880 Paid in full
6 payments of $1285

Includes 15 sessions and a 3-hour Deep Dive


This program is for you if you’ve been swimming around in
the shallow end of transformation...

...knowing you’re ready to experience deeper growth and unfolding –
but you’re not ready to jump all the way in.

You are sick of listening to that tired-ass ego voice in your head, tho’ -
trash-talking you about why you can’t reach higher and go further.

You know you’re meant to rock your joy –

And you’re up for launching yourself beyond whatever has been holding you back and creating the momentum for the change you want to be in the world.

It’s go-time!
Deep Diving for Joy-Rocks

$1997 ($2300 Value and included free with the 1-Year Coaching Program)

A single 6-hour session spent focusing on
rocking one specific aspect of your joy.

Working with a pre-determined objective, we unearth the bullshit that’s been
blocking realization of your intention and create a plan for
launching you toward your goal.

The expanded time frame and targeted focus allow us to
dig deep and reach the heart of the concern.

As you release it, the result is often a significant shift and ability to
move forward much more swiftly with a sense of ease and flow.

And it goes faster than you think!
Deep Dive Duo

$3597 ($4200 Value)

A two-dive bundle –
one for now and one for the next joy-rocking
deep endyou’re ready to jump into.

(One Duo per person.)
Available for the holiday season only.

Spiritual counseling is for those not yet ready for coaching,
but wishing to get on the joy-rocking bus.

It is short-term and problem-focused - as opposed to coaching,
which is long-term and goal-oriented with the intention of self-transformation.

Spiritual counseling provides you with some great basic tools and practices -
beginning with teaching you to take ownership of your experience by
examining your thoughts and beliefs.

This helps you to shift your perspective from fear to love,
and begin changing your experience by changing your mind.

I’m So F*ing Ready to Rock My Joy

10-Session Package ($4,397.00 Value)

What’s the definition of insanity again?

Oh yeah, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

If you’re over the buzzkill of self-sabotage,
ready to stop the madness and start rocking your joy,
this 10-session intro program will get you kicking ass
on letting go of the bullshit and creating your miraculous life.

Let’s do this!

Intro Joy-Ride

3-Session Package  ($1350 Value)

A one-time only spiritual counseling package
for those who have never worked with me.

In this world most of us crawl before we walk and walk before we dance. This introductory 3-pack baby-steps you toward rocking your joy. We begin with the basics: spiritual practice, connecting with your guidance, and learning the one transformative process that will enable you to begin to see miracles in your relationship with everyone and everything immediately.

Please email me here with any questions: kelly@rockyourjoy.com

Re-engaging in coaching with her indefinitely

I have engaged in spiritual counseling and a coaching program with Kelly Russell and intend on re-engaging in coaching with her indefinitely because she does in fact make lives more joyful and awesome.

What I found in my work with Kelly is she has a gift to cut through our stories and patterns.

My work with Kelly definitely brought me to another level of personal and spiritual development and as I continue to strive to make positive growth and changes in my life, I will look to Kelly Russell for the guidance, coaching and facilitation in that process.

Jennifer Carey

Kelly is spot on

Choosing Kelly as my spiritual life coach has been one of the best choices I have ever made.

Kelly is spot on.

She offers clear and succinct ideas and practices.

Talking to her is like talking to an old friend.

She is accepting, motivational, transparent, loving, and she does it all with zest and zeal!

All of my gratitude goes to Kelly. She is a miraculous teacher and coach!

Sara Plischke

Coach Extraordinaire

If you were to look up Coach Extraordinaire you would find a picture of Kelly Russell.

I’m not exaggerating either, my actual goal was to move on from my current job and I got so much more.

I not only left my job, I left my career, am now self employed, in a whole new city-Santa Fe.

Now worry is no longer an option, trust rules.

But, make no mistake, working with Kelly is not for the faint of heart, it is for one who is absolutely determined to change their internal landscape from a state fear to a state of love, and in order to truly rock your joy, first your world must be rocked.

Amy Borel

Kelly Russell is a spiritual life coach who specializes in personal transformation.

What forms the foundation of her effectiveness as a transformational coach is her years of practice as a licensed psychotherapist and her experience as a student, teacher and minister of the spiritual psychology known as A Course in Miracles.

Using her superpowers of spiritual clarity, psychological insight, and the ability to simultaneously see both truth and humor –she will teach you to rock your joy by transforming your relationships with others, with yourself, and with the Divine.

In the zone of genius where reverence and irreverence meet, assisted by her twin alter-egos of Licensed Psychotherapist and Teacher of A Course in Miracles, Kelly will inspire you to reclaim your light by going badass on fear, laughing at the ego’s crazy, and owning your brilliance.

Please email me here with any questions: kelly@rockyourjoy.com

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