Why is it so hard
to find?

Where is Inner Peace? Why can’t we find it?

Inner peace. We want that Zen, that chill - a quiet mind, the calm assurance that all is well.

We seek for it in countless ways and yet it eludes us.

Where is it? Why can’t we find it?

Because we’re not looking in the right place. Our attention is focused outwardly on something that is caused by an inward condition. External solutions will not work.

We also say we want peace, but we resist doing what actually brings us to an awareness of peace. It’s more like we want peace…ish. (Like the kind where we can still judge and control people.)

A problem can’t be solved at the level of mind that created it. All our problems are caused at the level of mind that believes we are separate beings that are alone in the world.

This part of our minds thinks that it has to keep us constantly busy worrying about countless concerns, playing out endless scenarios of negative outcomes that will happen if we don’t do or say or fix whatever. All of which will be our fault.

We run ourselves ragged in fear, trying to outmaneuver whatever nameless, faceless, formless entity that is chasing us – which constantly shape-shifts from moment to moment.

But there is another way. A better way.

Peace is your natural state as an extension of the Divine. You are just out of awareness of that.

You can have inner peace in every moment by surrendering every problem, care, question, situation, or concern you have to a level of mind greater than the one you’ve been putting your faith in.

(I mean seriously, how has that been working for you so far anyway?)

In giving up your identification with yourself, you open to communion with the Self – the literal God’s Truth of you that knows all problems are already solved, and all answers and solutions already within you.

You can breathe, relax, and allow the peace to flow into and through you – carrying you on its mellow vibe right through your day. Allow it to shine from your eyes, warm your words, beam from your heart, and sparkle throughout the Universe.

This meditation for Inner Peace is the balm your soul is asking for. Download it here and feel the stress dissolve.

All aboard the Peace Train.

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