Post Traumatic

Separation Disorder:


 SATURDAY MAY 1, 2021 at 12:00PM EDT


Post Traumatic

Separation Disorder:


 SATURDAY MAY 1, 2021 at 12:00PM EDT



Miraculous Relationships:


 SATURDAY OCTOBER 24, 2020 at 10:00AM EDT

As students of A Course in Miracles or non-duality, where we’re all remembering our Oneness, wtf do we do when we’re emotionally triggered in the dream of the world?

I’m guessing that out of the millions of students of the Course and non-dualistic thought that there are in the world, probably somewhere in the vicinity of… oh, I don’t know what percentage, let’s see… carry the one… I’d say a rough approximation is ALL OF US - have struggled with this question.

 It’s where the rubber meets the road when the sh*t hits the fan.

So, what can we do when we find ourselves emotionally triggered? It’s kind of the bazillion dollar question isn’t it?

I am going to answer this question in my FREE 2-hour online workshop Post Traumatic Separation Disorder: What to Do When You Are Emotionally Triggered on Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 12 to 2 p.m. Eastern time (and hopefully win that bazillion dollars – payable in the currency of greater inner peace – which we can all then use to chill around poolside in The Happy Dream.)

I’d love for you to join me.

In this 2-hour workshop I will share a triage process with you that has helped me immensely when I become emotionally activated.  I have found it to be very effective in my not letting things get to the point where the wheels are on fire and coming off the bus going over the Cliffs of Insanity on the road to Crazy Town.

I’m hoping that you will find it as helpful as I have, and that together we can u-turn our trigger-unhappy selves and get back on Sanity Highway, destination Love!
We are all spirit, having a seemingly human experience. Emotions are part of the human jam.  So, you aren’t bad for having an emotional reaction, and it does not mean you are getting an F in A Course in Miracles / non-duality.

However, having extreme emotional reactions can certainly be sabotaging to ourselves, particularly because they often result in our projecting said emotions onto another person. This is akin to energetically punching them and ourselves in the face and then having to explain to everyone how we gave ourselves those two black eyes.

You may be familiar with the psychological term Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. In the world of form, this is a severe anxiety reaction that happens to some people as a result of either experiencing or witnessing a traumatic or violent event. Those with PTSD often relive the event through flashbacks or nightmares. They often avoid situations, places, and people that remind them of the trauma, and experience strong negative reactions to triggers.

That’s exactly what is happening to us when we become emotionally triggered - because any traumatic event that appears to happen in this world is actually a flashback to the biggest trauma we, in our one mind, have ever seemingly experienced: our separation from our Creator.

In that sense, we ALL have PTSD, except I think of it as us having Post Traumatic Separation Disorder.

What can we do about it? How can we help ourselves not to go off the deep end when we are emotionally triggered?

I looked up “trigger” in the dictionary and found these definitions:

“Something that causes someone to feel upset and frightened because they are made to remember something bad that happened in the past.”

“Something that sets off a flashback, transporting the person back to the traumatic event.”

“The part of a bomb that causes it to explode.”

“To fire or explode.”

And my personal fave -

“The projection that actuates the mechanism that discharges the weapon.”

True that.

These definitions address two different meanings of the word trigger, and yet they are all completely accurate and applicable to what we seem to experience.

If you find yourself resonating with any or all of the definitions above, and are down with learning some powerful techniques to help yourself be less trigger-unhappy and rock your joy more, click here to join my FREE, 2-hour live online workshop Post Traumatic Separation Disorder: What to Do When You Are Emotionally Triggered on Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 12 to 2 p.m. Eastern time.

I look forward to seeing you there!


Kelly Russell is a spiritual life coach who specializes in personal transformation. 

What forms the foundation of her effectiveness as a spiritual life coach is her years of practice as a licensed psychotherapist; her experience as a student, teacher and minister of A Course in Miracles; and the specialization she has in healing relationship issues.

Using her superpowers of spiritual clarity, psychological insight, and the ability to simultaneously see both truth and humor –she will teach you to rock your joy by transforming your relationships with others, with yourself, and with the Divine.

In the zone of genius where reverence and irreverence meet, assisted by her twin alter-egos of Licensed Psychotherapist and Teacher of A Course in Miracles, Kelly will inspire you to reclaim your light by going badass on fear, laughing at the ego’s crazy, and owning your brilliance.


MAY 1, 2021
12:00PM - 2:00PM  EDT

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